Desanding Plant

Desanding Plant

Desanding Plant

Desanding Plant is emplyed to remove solid particles in drilling mud and support slurries used in foundation.

  • Pre-Screener for intercepting stones.

Slurry from the feed box, loaded on the Pre-Screener with soil particles is directed over the screen. The screen is prevented from clogging up whenever clayey soils are ecountered by its deck inclination and by using a bar grate screen(Polyurethane PU).

  • Cyclone for removing fine particles.

After the separation of Pre-Screener, slurry collected in the mud tank, with the help  of slurry pump, slurry from the mud tank pumped into the cyclone. The centrifuge forces generated in the cyclone cause the remaining soil particles to be removed from the slurry and then discharged as soil-enriched underflow on the dewatering screen. The float swith assembly inside the mud tank is proteced from running dry. The extend of different diamaters of cyclones can be used to the Desanding Plant to increase theregeneration efficiency.

  • Dewatering screens for draning further water from the solids discharged by the cyclong underflow.

The condensed underflow of slurry from the cyclong is discharged onto the fine screen, where by way of screen’s vibrating action it is moved upwards on the upward inclined screen surface. According to different construction conditions and construction techniques, Desanding Plant can be used with mud tanks of different volumes. This can not only reduce the loss of mud, resulting in a reduction in construction costs, but also allow the mud to form a complete closed loop, thereby protecting the environment.ZH can make customized design schemes according to customer requirements.

Technical Parameters Of Desanding Plant

Desanding Plant for Trenchless Project
Desanding Plant for Trenchless Project

Application of Desanding Plant

  • Injection-and anchor drilling
  • HDD Drilling
  • Slurry supported garb works for pit sand diaphragm walls
  • Well drilling
  • Deep drilling
  • Micro-tunneling
  • Pile foundation projects adopting slurry hole
  • Pipe-jacking constructions
  • Rotary drilling rig
  • Aggregate processing

Advantages of Desanding Plant

  • Desanding Plant Fully purifying the drilling mud is conducive to controlling the performance index of the mud, reducing the sticking accidents and improving the quality of hole.
  • Effective separate drilling mud and solids, conducive to improving the working efficiency of hole making.
  • The repeated use of drilling mud from Desanding Plant is beneficial to saving slurry materials and reducing construction costs.
  • Desanding Plant – Closed-circuit circulation of mud and low water content of slag material are beneficial to reduce environmental pollution.
  • The integrated product design greatly saves the floor space, compressing the collective and increasing the convenience of transportation.
  • The returning drilling mud from the drilling hole can be recovered 80-90%, can save sodium soil and other raw materials 40-50%, the discharge of solids fluid content can be controlled within 30%.It can be buried on site.
  • Desanding Plant reduces the labor intensity of the workers to configure the new pulp and saves the 24 hours hydration time of the new slurry.
  • Greatly saves the transportation cost of the waste mud without purification and recovery.This cost is particularly evident when drilling into rock formations.
  • Desanding Plant reduces the investigation and punishment of governmental environmental protection agencies on the environmental supervision of the project and the prosecution and forcible stop behavior of the owner on the construction of the project.